Longlevens Primary Federation

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Our Governors

Governor profiles

Kerry Cunningham Executive Headteacher and Ex-Officio Governor

I have the privilege of being the Executive Leader of Longlevens Infant School, Longlevens Junior School and Playdays Pre-School and being Ex-officio governor of the Federation. I joined as the Headteacher of Longlevens Infant School in September 2009 and became the Executive Headteacher of the Junior School and Playdays in September 2022. I have been a Governor for over 20 years as both a staff member and as Headteacher. I feel I have a wealth of experience to bring the board of Governors.  I am passionate about our community and the children and families we serve and aspire to ensure, we work in partnership, to provide the best possible education and learning for the children in our care.

Chris Rayfield Chair of Governors- Co-Opted

I moved to Gloucester in 2004 to take up a post with the University of Gloucestershire, working with schools to encourage widening participation in higher education. After a few years, I moved posts to work as the Business Manager in a research institute at the University. I am married, with two children, both of whom have attended both Longlevens Infant and Junior schools and are now at secondary school, so I understand and am engaged with education as it currently affects them and other pupils and parents too.

I have been an associate member and then co-opted governor at Longlevens Junior school since 2016, being the Chair of Governors since 2021. I have other school governance interests beyond Longlevens and am also a charity trustee and treasurer. As a result, I bring a range of skills and experiences to the Governing Body to support the federation as it works to meet the educational and other needs of the children, and as it develops to meet current and future challenges.

Paul Glazier Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair of the Board of Governors and Chair of the Resources Committee

I am a Co-Opted Governor and Chair of the Resources Committee of the Longlevens Primary Federation.  I live in Longlevens and I’m married with three children all of which attended or attend Longlevens Infant and Junior Schools. As such I feel I have a vested interest in the success of the schools and in the development of the children who attend them. I’m a Qualified Accountant and Chartered Insurer working for a socially responsible and ethical Financial Services Group based in Gloucester. Having served as a Governor for some years now, I feel my experience and background provide high quality support to the Federation in managing its resources, developing its strategy and providing governance to some of the key subjects taught.

Julie Williamson LA Governor

I have been in education for just over 25 years starting as an English and Drama teacher in Lincolnshire. I have lived in Gloucester since 2005 and am now the SENDCo of a large secondary school in Gloucester. I am also very privileged to be the Designated Teacher for Children in Care. 

Having previously been Chair of Governors of Longlevens Juniors, I am delighted to return as the LA governor now that the two schools have federated. Both my children attended the infants and juniors and it’s lovely to see that many staff are still here.

I hope that my previous knowledge of governance, the schools and my own skills and background will see me in good stead in my return to the governing body. 

Sue Colin Co-opted Governor

I have lived in Longlevens for over 30 years and have raised five children and I am now fortunate to have six grandchildren. I have been a school governor for over 25 years. Two of my sons attended the Longlevens schools and have enjoyed many successes and I am sure this was due to their education starting with solid foundations. I feel that the Longlevens Primary Federation is at the heart of the community, nurturing our children and bringing our families together to celebrate what a brilliant place Longlevens is to live. As a governor I feel privileged to be a part of future developments and further progress. I am also fortunate to work within the field of education.

Anne Reeves Co-opted Governor

I was appointed as a Co-opted Governor in December 2020, I live in Cheltenham with my husband Stan. We have two adult children, with my daughter, her husband and two young daughters living in Longlevens. 

The role of Governor has been incredibly rewarding, gifting me the opportunity to actively engage with the local community where my family live. As my granddaughters have progressed through Playdays, Infants and now Juniors, I have been able to experience at first-hand how our schools stand at the heart of the Longlevens community, interacting with each other during celebrations and times when we need to support each other.  

I love potential of all our children when they walk through the school gate for the first time, with seven years of opportunities and experiences ahead of them. I always look forward to sharing their learning journey and achievements as they progress through our schools, supporting them with a positive and enthusiastic approach during their time with us. 

Outside of my Governor role, I have worked actively within voluntary and statutory agencies that support families caring for children with behavioural, medical, and physical needs. It has also been my privilege to hold officer posts and sit on the committees of National and Local Voluntary organisations, including PATA and Carers support groups, these roles gave me the opportunity to work alongside both the BBC “Children in Need” and the “National Lottery”. 

Amy Wilson Staff Governor

I have worked as a class teacher, in various year groups, at Longlevens Junior School since 2015. I now work part-time as I have two children of my own, which allows me to see education from a parental perspective too. I have previously lead Geography and am currently the History subject leader. I am passionate about developing a curriculum which gives all children a rich knowledge and ignites their own love of learning. The wellbeing of children and staff is of great importance to me and I enjoy being a part of the supportive Longlevens community. As a governor, I am dedicated to ensuring that all children receive an education which allows them to succeed in their futures.

Paul James Co-Opted Governor

I was appointed as a Governor of Longlevens Infant School in 2020. My two daughters, Eirys and Tydwen, have both attended the Infant School and Eirys now attends the Junior School. I was a City Councillor representing Longlevens for 24 years and was Leader of Gloucester City Council for over 12 years. I worked in property management for 20 years and enjoy using this experience in taking responsibility for the school premises. I now works as Economic Development Lead at Cotswold District Council and hope to use my knowledge of local government to the Federation’s benefit too.

Louise Watkins Co-Opted Governor

I have taught Science at a local secondary school for 18 years and in this time, I have developed a passion for ensuring that every child can succeed and achieve their full potential. I have a special interest in the development of SEN provision within science, with a focus towards students who find learning new skills especially challenging.

As a mum of two children who have both attended Longlevens Infant and Junior school I feel passionately about the school’s place in the local community. As part of the governing body, I am very excited about supporting the Longlevens Primary Federation as it takes the next exciting steps towards its future.

Alison Portch Parent Governor- Safeguarding

I am a mum of three, with my eldest two already part of the Longlevens family, and the youngest still a few years off! I’m fully invested in the success of the schools and am really excited to see the opportunities the new federation brings.

My professional background is in inclusive education, supporting children with a number of barriers to learning to access school in whichever way they were able to. During my previous role I worked towards a Masters in Inclusive Education which focussed heavily on children’s mental health, something I feel very passionately about.

More recently, alongside being mum, I have worked as Governance Professional with three local schools. My role is to support effective governance, advise governors on relevant legislation, and ensure my boards are fully compliant. This has given me the opportunity to see a different side of education and I have a strong working knowledge of the role of a school governor, and how effective governance can support school leaders and pupils. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to work alongside LIS and LJS as a parent governor, to contribute to the strategic running of the federation, and use my expertise to support the schools in the next part of their journey.

Sue Halas Co-Opted Governor- SEND

My name is Sue Halas and I am the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Governor  and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Governor.

I spent a very happy twenty six-years as a member of staff at Longlevens Infant School – during which time I was a teacher, then year group lead in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2. I spent six very successful years as the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo), then Deputy Head and finally Acting Head Teacher. I retired in July 2021.  

I loved working at Longlevens Infant school so it was an easy decision to stay on as a Governor. I bring a lot of educational experience to my governorship, particularly championing pupils with SEND. I am here to support the schools and help them improve and also challenge and question the leadership in the decision making to ensure it meets our vision.

I feel it is important that every child feels happy, safe and confident and gets the best possible education and opportunity to succeed in life.

I feel privileged that I can contribute to the future development of the Federation and uphold its vision and values, and know that together we can ensure that the Longlevens Primary Federation continues to run happily and successfully.

Scott Wellington Head of School (Longlevens Infant School)- Associate Member

I am the Acting Head of School at Longlevens Infant School. I am also the Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding. My entire working career has been spent in education, building up a wealth of experience in a range of different areas. I am passionate about providing the best for the children in our school and am driven in ensuring that all of us are the best we can be. I want all children to be safe and to thrive in life. 

My family and I have lived in Gloucester all my life. I care about the community and the people within it and I am incredibly honoured to be part of the Longlevens Infant School Community and the Longlevens Primary Federation. 

Being an Associate Member of the Governing Body allows me to contribute further and ensure that all children receive the best education possible.

Sarah Flattery Head of School (Longlevens Junior School)- Associate Member

I have a long history with the local community, having started my teaching career at Longlevens Junior School and feel privileged to now hold the position of Acting Head of School at such a pivotal and exciting time. I feel passionately that every child’s educational experience is one where they feel safe and happy and that they leave our school with the self-belief that they can succeed, no matter what.

After teaching at LJS for 5 years, I was Assistant Head at another large primary school in Gloucester for 6 years until I had my daughter. I then taught in a small village school before returning to LJS in 2013. Being part of the Longlevens Primary Federation from its very beginning and being in the position to help drive improvement is an exciting prospect, as is ensuring the Federation brings together a strong community which strives for excellent educational opportunities for every single child.