SEND Provision
Longlevens Primary Federation values the contribution that every child makes and is supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils make the best possible progress.
We seek to raise the achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access for everyone. All children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are valued, respected and considered equal members of the community. Provision for pupils with SEND is a priority for the Federation as a whole. We are ambitious for all our children and believe that there is no ceiling on what can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their circumstance or background. Longlevens Primary Federation is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment, giving every child the opportunity to fulfil their potential.
SEND Contact Details:
1. Inclusion Lead and SENDCo – Charlotte Holloway – 01452 530177 and 01452 520061, or
2. Inclusion and Family Support Worker (Infants) - Katherine Mayall - 01452 520061, or
3. Inclusion and Family Support Worker (Juniors) - Karen Williamson - 01452 530177, or
4. Inclusion and Family Support Worker (Juniors) - Toni Davis - 01452 530177, or
5. Head of School (Infants) - Scott Wellington - 01452 520061, or
6. Head of School (Juniors)- Sarah Flattery - 01452 530177, or